How to take part
Taking part couldn't be easier - just download a registration form below, print it out, fill it in and post it back to the address at the bottom of the page, along with a cheque made payable to Temple Sowerby Victory Hall.
Celebration forms
Click here if you need to download the free Adobe reader

Arriving on the day
Registration will start at 9.30 on Sunday 16 September and the walk itself at 10.00. It would help if participants who plan to jog the route could arrive early, so that joggers and walkers can be started separately.
Children are very welcome to take part in the walk but they must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times.
The route of the walk is along one carriageway of the unopened bypass and back along the other. Participants must keep to the surfaced road and keep off the grassed areas and the central barriers.
Car parking
Adequate parking space will be available for participants coming by car. On arrival, please follow the signs and the directions given by marshals.
Registration address
Dave Bates
Greenfield House
Low Green
Temple Sowerby
CA10 1SD